Ponchos Mustang Rescue is a volunteer run 501(c)(3) non profit horse rescue and additionally a ministry taking mini horses bedside to adult care homes all over Pima county, AZ.
We rescue mustangs that were taken out of the wild, work with them to gain trust in humans then find them new loving homes. Sometimes they have been traumatized so much they will never trust a human, in those cases we provide them with love, health care, food, water and exercise running with other horses. We also rescue abandoned and abused domestic horses.
Our visitation program to adult care homes, hospitals etc. Is done with Sparky and Sonny two little miniature horses that we saved trained for equine therapy, they are a hit putting smiles on peoples faces. The residents get to pet them, kiss them and pose for pictures.
Horses require a lot of costly care. Your tax deductible donations will go to – feed, shots, dental care, supplies, equipment, diesel for transportation, liability insurance and the taking the miniature horses to the facilities for their visits.
The rescue was recently setup but we have been doing this for years not being a non-profit.